Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The way I speak Language Blog Post #1

I love the art of language .Words give you a way to express your emotions and communicate effectively however you choose. My mother influenced the way I spoke and still speak .I wonder if she ever thought ,Wow I ‘am bringing in Life and teaching a new born baby everything  that she will say and that she comes in contact with. Most people say I speak Proper “Standard English”. I see it has I speak what I have heard all my Life. At times I use Slang around my friends. I call this habit Code Switching. I learned there is a time and place for everything. When I ‘am around a professional setting I like to speak Standard English. Unfortunately, when you are in a Professional Setting and you use slang, Ebonics or profanity, you will be heavily judged. I find it a little frustrating when I am around associates or my community and they address my voice as an issue or odd. For the reason being that they only know slang, and When I come in contact with slang I stumble over words or terms because, I am not up to date on the new slang words. I still learn more and more everyday about myself with the English language. Even though I grew up learning English, I find it hard to expand my vocabulary while trying to learn a new language. I am bettering myself with English so that I can take it to the next step of learning another language.


  1. 1)Reading your blogg, i like and agree is the language of art because you are right its a way to express emotions and communicate effectively and the creats an impact in our lives.
    2)Did you feel like you had advantages over other students in your school days?
    3)What I encourge is that you continue to better yourself in english because it will help you for you future posting you type.

  2. I really enjoy listening to your standard english especially when you volunteer in class to read. I find it very clear and understandable to hear you speak standard english, it sounds so professional and amazing! Thanks for sharing your blog.
